Cognitive Neurology/Neuropsychology ©2010 – 2024

Publications and Presentations


Montanez A, Kessler A, Davis K, Gordon B, Smith DM: Behavioral Dynamics in a Group
Class Setting in Adults with Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society in San Francisco, CA. March 25-28, 2023


Sung K, Glazer H, O’Grady J, McEntee M L, Bosley L, Reich D B, Gordon B.
Measuring visual electrophysiological responses in individuals with low-functioning autism: a feasibility and pilot study.
Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2022, 8(1), 7.

Beuriat PA, Cohen-Zimerman S, Smith G N L, Krueger F, Gordon B, Grafman J.
Evidence of the role of the cerebellum in cognitive theory of mind using voxel-based lesion mapping.
Sci Rep. 2022, 12: 4999.

Beuriat PA, Cristofori I, Gordon B, Grafman J.
The shifting role of the cerebellum in executive, emotional and social processing across the lifespan.
Behav. Brain Funct. 2022, 18:6.

Cristofori I, Cohen-Zimerman S, Bulbulia J, Gordon B, Krueger F, Grafman J.
The neural underpinning of religious beliefs: Evidence from brain lesions.
Front. Behav. Neurosci. 2022, 16:977600.

Cohen-Zimerman S, Cristofori I, McNamara P, Krueger F, Gordon B, Grafman J.
Neural underpinnings of attachment style and connection to God in combat veterans: a potential role for the right orbitofrontal cortex.
PLOS ONE, in press

Rosensweig C, Chessen E, Pullara O, O’Grady J, Gordon B, Davis K:
A Case Study of Peer-To-Peer Learning in Two Adults with Developmental Disorder
Final Program Forty-Ninth Annual Virtual Meeting, International Neuropsychological Society [J Int Neuropsychol Soc
2022, 28(S1): I-794


Gordon B
Current and Future States of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology
Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry Lecture Series, Boston, MA. Virtual, June 23, 2021

Gordon B
Maximal Mental Exercise – Promoting Speech and Sociability in a Nonverbal Individual with Autism
Johns Hopkins Department of Neurology Grand Rounds, 2021 October 

Cristofori I, Zhong W, Cohen-Zimerman S, Bulbulia J, Gordon B, Krueger F, Grafman J.
Brain networks involved in the influence of religion on empathy in male Vietnam War veterans.
Sci Rep. 2021, 11:11047.


Beuriat P, Cohen-Zimerman S, Smith GNL, Krueger F, Gordon B, Grafman J.
A new insight on the role of the cerebellum for executive functions and emotion processing in adults.
Frontiers in Neurology, 2020, 11:593490.

Sung K, Rozycka M, Reich D, O’Grady J, Keller K, Gordon B.
Test-retest reliability of sensory evoked potentials in low-functioning autism: a case report.
Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 2020, 10: 537-547. (Special issue on Brain, Cognition and Behavior) 

Schubert TM, Rothlein D, Brothers T, Coderre EL, Ledoux K, Gordon B, McCloskey M. 
Lack of awareness despite complex visual processing: evidence from event-related potentials in a case of selective metamorphopsia. 
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2020, 17(27): pages 16055-16064.
(Cited by Science, 2020 July, 369 (6503): 494.)

Cohen-Zimerman S, Khilwani H, Smith GNL, Krueger, F, Gordon B, Grafman J.  
The neural basis for mental state attribution: A voxel-based lesion mapping study. 
Human Brain Mapping 2020, pages 1-15. 


Coderre EL, Chernenok M, O’Grady J, Bosley L, Gordon B, Ledoux K
Implicit measures of receptive vocabulary knowledge in individuals with Level 3 autism
Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 2019, 32(2): 95-119.
DOI: 10.1097/WNN.0000000000000194

Cohen-Zimmerman S, Kachian ZR, Krueger F, Gordon B, Grafman J
Childhood socioeconomic status predicts cognitive outcomes across adulthood following traumatic brain injury.
Neuropsychologia (124), 2019, pages 1-8. 
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.01.001

Nozari N
The dual origin of semantic errors in access deficit:  activation vs. inhibition deficit
Cognitive Neuropsychology Volume 36, 2019 – Issue 1-2
DOI: 10.1080/02643294.2019.1587397

Hepner CR, Nozari N
Resource allocation in phonological working memory: Same or different principles from vision?
Journal of Memory and Language Volume 106, June 2019, Pages 172-188
DOI: 10.1016/j.jml.2019.03.003

Kachian ZR, Cohen-Zimerman S, Bega D, Gordon B, Grafman J. 
Suicidal ideation and behavior in Huntington’s disease: systematic review and recommendations. 
Journal of Affective Disorders 2019, 250: pages 319-329. 
DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.03.043

Davis KS, Kennedy SA, Dallavecchia A, Skolasky RL, Gordon B. 
Psychoeducational interventions for adults with level 3 autism spectrum disorder: a 50-year systematic review 
Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 2019, 32(3): pages 139-163. 
DOI: 10.1097/WNN.0000000000000201


Chau A, Zhong W, Gordon B, Krueger F, Grafman J
Anterior insula lesions and alexithymia reduce the endorsement of everyday altruistic attitudes
Neuropsychologia (117) 2018, pages 429-439.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.07.002

Christofori I, Pal S, Zhong W, Gordon B, Krueger F, Grafman J
The lonely brain: evidence from studying patients with penetrating brain injury.
Social Neurosciences 2018. 
DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2018.15537998

Coderre EL, Cohn N, Slipher S, Chernenok M, Ledoux K, Gordon B
Visual and linguistic narrative comprehension in autism spectrum disorders:  neural evidence for modality-independent impairments
Brain and Language (186). 2018, pages 44-59. 
DOI: 10.1016/j.bandl.2018.09.001

Coderre, E.L. (2018). 
A semantic priming event-related potential (ERP) task to study lexico-semantic and visuo-semantic processing in autism spectrum disorder. 
Journal of Visualized Experiments, e57217,
DOI: 10.3791/57217.

Cohen Zimerman S, Salvi C, Krueger F, Gordon B, Grafman J
Intelligence Across the Seventh Decade in Patients with Brain Injuries Acquired at Young Adulthood.
Trends in Neuroscience and Education. 2018, 13:1-7.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tine.2018.08.001

Chau A, Gordon B, Krueger F, Grafman J
The Role of Fronto-Insular Lesions in Everyday Altruistic Attitudes: Evidence From Voxel based Lesion-Symptom Mapping. 
Neuropsychologica.  (In Press)

Freund M, Nozari N
Is adaptive control in language production mediated by learning? 
Cognition (2018) 107-130
DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2018.03.009

Hepner CR, Pinet S, Nozari N 
An enhanced model of gemination in spelling: Evidence from a large corpus of typing errors.
In C. Kalish, M. Rau, J. Zhu, & T. Rogers (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Austin, TX
Cognitive Science Society (in press)

Hepner CR, Nozari N
A resource model of phonological working memory
In C. Kalish, M. Rau, J. Zhu, & T. Rogers (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Austin, TX
Cognitive Science Society (in press)

Moll J, de Oliveira-Souza R, Bramati I, Nieto G, Krueger F, Grafman J
Altruistic Decisions Following Penetrating Traumatic Brain Injury 
Brain, 2018 (Accepted) 
DOI: 10.1093/brain/awy064

Nozari N, Hepner CR
To select or to wait? The importance of criterion setting in debates of competitive lexical selection
Cognitive Neuropsychology, 
DOI: 10.1080/02643294.2018.1476335

Nozari N, Omaki A
Syntactic production is not independent of inhibitory control: Evidence from agreement attraction errors.
In C. Kalish, M. Rau, J. Zhu, & T. Rogers (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Austin, TX
Cognitive Science Society (in press)

Pillion JP, Boatman-Reich D, Gordon B
Auditory Brainstem Pathology in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review
Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 2018, 31(2): page 53-78
DOI: 10.1097/WNN.0000000000000154

Pinet S, Nozari N
Twisting fingers: The case for interactivity in typed language production
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review Published online April 23, 2018 
DOI: 10.3758/s13423-018-1452-7

Sung K, Gordon B
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Facilitates Overall Visual Search Response Times but Does Not Interact with Visual Search Task Factors. 
PLOS One (13)3.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194640


Akhavan N, Göksun T, Nozari N
Integrity and function of gestures in aphasia
DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2017.1396573

Akhavan N, Nozari N, Goksun T
Expression of motion events in Farsi. 
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience,32(6), 792-804.
DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1276607

Arnolda JE, Nazbanou N
The effects of utterance timing and stimulation of left prefrontal cortex on the production of referential expressions 
Cognition 160 (2017) 127-144
DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2016.12.008

Breining BL, Nozari N, Rapp B
Learning in complex, multi-component cognitive systems: Different learning challenges within the same system  
(Accepted) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition.

Coderre E, Chernenok M, Gordon B, Ledoux K
Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Semantic Processing in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An ERP Study 
Journal of Autism Developmental Disorders, 47(289).  Published online January, 12, 2017
DOI: 10.1007/s10803-016-2985-0

Cohen-Zimerman S, Chau A, Krueger F, Gordon B, Grafman J
Machiavellian tendencies increase following damage to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Neuropsychologia 107 (2017) 68-75
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.11.007

Hobson H, Hogeveen J, Brewer R, Catmur C, Gordon B, Chau A, Bird G, Grafman J
Language and alexithymia: Evidence for the Role of the Inferior Frontal Gyrus in Acquired Alexithymia.
Neuropsychologia (111) 229-240.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.12.037 

Nozari N, Faroqi-Shah Y
Investigating the origin of nonfluency in aphasia: A path modeling approach to neuropsychology
Cortex, 95, 119-135. 

Nozari N, Novick J
Monitoring and control in language production
Current Directions in Psychological Science 2017, Vol. 26(5) 403 –410
DOI: 10.1177/0963721417702419 

Nozari N, Omaki A 
Syntactic production is not independent of inhibitory control: Evidence from agreement attraction errors.
In C. Kalish, M. Rau, J. Zhu, & T. Rogers (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Austin, TX.

Schretlin DJ, van Steenburgh JJ, Varvaris M, Vannorsdall TD, Andrejczuk MA, Gordon B
Can Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improve Cognitive Function in Adults with Schizophrenia
Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses (Fall 2017)
DOI: 10.3371/CSRP.SCST.103114

Trude A, Nozari, N.
Inhibitory Control Supports Referential Context Use in Language Production and Comprehension. 
In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink, & E. Davelaar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Society (pp. 1218-1223). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

vanSteenburgh JJ, Varvaris M, Schretlen DJ, Vannorsdall TD, Gordon B
Balanced Bifrontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Enhances Working Memory In Adults With High-functioning Autism: A Sham?Controlled Crossover Study. 
Molecular Autism (2017) 8:40 
DOI: 10.1186/s13229-017-0152-x


Chai XJ, Berken JA.,  Barbeau E, Soles J,  Callahan M , Chen J, Klein D
Intrinsic Functional Connectivity in the Adult Brain and Success in Second-Language Learning
The Journal of Neuroscience, Published online January 20, 2016
DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2234-15.2016

Ledoux K, Coderre E,  Bosley L, Buz E, Gangopadhyay I, Gordon B
The concurrent use of three implicit measures (eye movements, pupillometry, and event-related potentials) to assess receptive vocabulary knowledge in normal adults
Behavioral Research, Published online March 11, 2016, DOI 10.3758/s13428-015-0571-6
DOI: 10.3758/s13428-015-0571-6

Nozari N, Trueswell J, Thompson-Schill SL
The ventrolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates processing of sentential context to locate referents
Brain & Language, 157-158 (2016) 1-13
DOI: 10.1016/j.bandl.2016.04.006

Nozari N, Trueswell J, Thompson-Schill SL  
The interplay of local attraction, context and domain-general cognitive control in activation and suppression of semantic distractors during sentence comprehension
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 23(6), 1942-1953.
DOI: 10.3758/s13423-016-1068-8 

Coderre E, Chernenok M, O’Grady J, Bosley L, Gordon B, & Ledoux K. (n.d.).
Implicit measures of receptive vocabulary knowledge in low-functioning individuals with autism.

Schretlen DJ, Callon W, Ward R, Fu R, Ho T, Gordon B, Harris J, Jinnah HA
Do Clinical Features of Lesch-Nyhan Disease Correlate More Closely with Hypoxanthine or Guanine Recycling.
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 2015.
DOI: 10.1007/s10545-015-9869-x

Schretlen DJ, Varvaris M, Vannorsdall TD, Gordon B, Harris JC, Jinnah, HA
Brain White Matter Volume Abnormalities in Lesch-Nyhan Disease and its Variants.
Neurol 2015 13;84(2)190-196.
DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001128

Ledoux K, Coderre E, Bosley L, Buz E, Gangopadhyay I, Gordon B
The concurrent use of three implicit measures (eye movements, pupillometry and event-related potentials) to assess receptive vocabulary knowledge in normal adults.
Behav Res Methods 2016. (48) 285-305.

Nozari B, Freund M, Breining B, Rapp, B, Gordon B
Cognitive Control During Selection and Repair in Word Production.
Lang Cogn Neurosci. 2016.
DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1157194

Sung K, Gordon B, & Schretlen DJ
Semantic structure can be inferred from category fluency tasks via clustering analyses: Reply to Voorspoels et al. (2014).
Cortex . 2016, 75: 249-254.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2015.02.013

Ledoux K, Coderre E, Bosley L, Buz E, Gangopadhyay I, Gordon B
The concurrent use of three implicit measures (eye movements, pupillometry and event-related potentials) to assess receptive vocabulary knowledge in normal adults.
Behavior Research Methods 2016, 48: 285-305.
DOI: 10.3758/s13428-015-0571-6



Schretlen DJ, Callon W, Ward RE, Fu R, Ho T, Gordon B, Harris CJ, Jinnah HA
Do Clinical features of Lesch-Nyhan Disease Correlate More Closely With Hypoxanthine or Guanine Recycling
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 2015.

Coderre E, Chernenok M, Bosley L, O’Grady, J, Gordon B, Ledoux K
Implicit Measures of Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge in Low-Functioning Individuals with Autism. International
Meeting for Autism Research Salt Lake City, UT. May 13-16, 2015.

Chernenok M, Coderre, E, Gordon B, Ledoux K
Facial Processing in Low-Functioning Individuals with Autism: An N170 Event-Related Potential Study.
International Meeting for Autism Research Salt Lake City, UT. May 13-16, 2015.

Coderre E, Gordon B, Ledoux K
Identifying the Cognitive Locus of Deficits in Connectivity During Lexico-Semantic Processing In Autism.
Society for Neurosciences San Francisco CA.  March 27-31, 2015.

Chernenok M, Gordon B, Ledoux K
The Modulation of Repetition Priming Effects By Sentence Context: An ERP Study With Ambiguous Words
Society for Neurosciences San Francisco CA.  March 27-31, 2015.

Sung K, Bosley L, Gordon B
Facilitation of Visual Search Response Times through Anodal and Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation is Dependent on the Visual Quality of the Stimulus
Society for Neurosciences San Francisco CA.  March 27-31, 2015. 

van Steenburgh JJ, Weaver JR, Varvaris M, Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Enhances Functional Connectivity in High-Functioning Individuals with Autism
Wendy Klag Center for Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Baltimore, MD. October 13, 2015.

Livengood J, van Steenburgh JJ, Jayatillake R, Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B.
Transcranial direct current stimulation and language. In: Wright JD (ed). International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.)
Elsevier Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2015, 24: 533-544.



Nozari, N., Trueswell, J.C., & Thompson-Schill, S.L
Local attraction in sentence comprehension is reined in by global constraints and executive abilities
Poster presentation at the Psychonomic Society’s 55th Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 2014

Sung K and Gordon B
Early visually-evoked potentials, alpha, and beta band activities in low- and high-functioning individuals with autism and healthy controls.
Presented at the Annual Meeting for Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., November 2014

Ward R, Harris JC, Gordon B, Jinnah HA, Schretlen DJ
Phenotypic differences between adults with autism and Lesch-Nyhan disease based on the five-factor model of personality
Presented at the 17th International Research Symposium of the Society for the Study of Behavioural Phenotypes New York, NY, October 2014

van Steenburgh JJ, Varvaris M, Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Transcranial direct current stimulation enhances resting state functional connectivity in high-functioning autism.
Poster presented at the American Neurological Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2014

Sung K, Bosley L, Fisher Z, Gordon B
Abnormal visual ERPs and alpha band power in low- and high-functioning individuals with autism. 
Poster presented at the American Neurological Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2014

Coderre E, Fisher Z, Gordon B, Ledoux K
Electrophysiological measurements of letter-sound correspondence in a low-functioning individual with autism. 
Poster presented at the American Neurological Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2014

Schretlen DJ, Kueider AM, Gross AL, Sullivan C, Gordon B
International regression-based norms for animal naming. 
Presented at the American Neurological Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2014

Ledoux K., Fisher Z., Kuo S., Gordon, B.
Using Mismatch Negativity to Study Speech Perception in a Low-Functioning Individual with Autism
Poster presented at the American Neurological Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2014

Weaver JR, Treisman G, Varvaris M, Schretlen DJ, Vannorsdall TD, Sadleir R, Skolasky RL, Gordon B
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) may improve level of consciousness in thalamic anoxic injury:  A case study. 
Presented at the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology annual meeting, New York, NY, June 2014

Coderre E, Gordon B, Ledoux K
Neural connectivity during semantic processing of pictures and spoken words in autism spectrum disorders.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, MA, April 2014

Ledoux K, Vannorsdal TD, Pickett, EJ, Bosley LV, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Capturing additional information about the organization of entries in the lexicon from verbal fluency productions.
Journal of Clinical Experimental Neuropsycholog, 2014 Feb; 36:(2), 205-220.
DOI: 10.1080/13803395.2013.878689

van Steenburgh JJ, Varvaris M, Chambers P, Vannorsdall TD, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Transcranial direct current stimulation changes fronto-parietal control network connectivity associated with working memory performance in high-functioning autism.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2014; 20(S1): 202.

Schretlen DJ, Varvaris M, Vannorsdall TD, Gordon B, Harris JC, Jinnah HA
Brain white matter volume abnormalities in Lesch-Nyhan disease and its variants.
Neurology 2015, 84(2): 190-196.
DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001128

Weaver JR, Treisman G, Varvaris M, Schretlen DJ, Vannorsdall TD, Sadleir R, Skolasky RL, Gordon B
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) may improve level of consciousness in thalamic anoxic injury:  A case study. 
American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology annual meeting, New York, NY, June 2014

Sullivan C, Kueider AM, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Cognitive aging on four continents
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2014; 20(S1): 150.

Schretlen DJ, Kueider AM, Sullivan C, Gordon B
Cultural differences in the effects of education and illiteracy on animal naming.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2014; 20(S1): 150

Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Jayatillake R, Skolasky RL, van Steenburgh JJ, Hernandez J, Varvaris M, Gordon B
Improving cognition in healthy older adults with transcranial direct current stimulation.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2014; 20(S1): 56


Sung K, Gordon B, Vannorsdall TD, Ledoux K, Schretlen DJ.  
Impaired Retrieval Of Semantic Information In Bipolar Disorder: A Clustering Analysis Of Category Fluency Productions.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 2013 122(3), 624-634
DOI: 10.1037/a0033068

Reckess GZ, Varvaris M, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ.  
Within-person distributions of neuropsychological test scores as a function of dementia severity.  
Neuropsychology Vol 28(2), 2014, 254-260
DOI: 10.1037/neu0000017

Schretlen DJ, Varvaris M, Ho T, Vannorsdall TD, Gordon, B, Harris, JC, Jinnah HA
Regional Brain Volume Changes in Lesch-Nyhan Disease and its Variants: a cross-sectional study
The Lancet Neurology 2013 Dec;12(12):1151-8

Sung K, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Cued word-retrieval as a nonhomogeneous Poisson process: Evidence from inter-response intervals in semantic-cued word recall tasks.
Presented at the Annual Meeting for Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Diego, CA, November 2013

Sung K, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Cued word-retrieval as a nonhomogeneous Poisson process: Evidence from inter-response intervals in semantic-cued word recall tasks
Presented at the Annual Meeting for Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Diego, CA, November 2013

Chernenok M, Gordon B, Ledoux K
Repetition of Form and Meaning in Sentence Contexts: An ERP Study of Repetition Priming Using Ambiguous Words. 
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting for Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Diego, CA, November 2013

Coderre E, Fisher Z, Gordon B, Ledoux K
Electrophysiological Measurements of Letter-Sound Congruency Effects. 
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting for Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Diego, CA, November 2013

Coderre E, Bosley L, Chernenok M, Gordon B, Ledoux K
Modeling Implicit Measures of Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge in Normal Adults. 
Poster to be presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada, November 2013

Vannorsdall TD, van Steenburgh JJ, Hernandez J, Schretlen DJ, Jayatillake R, Skolasky RL, Gordon B
Reproducibility of tDCS Results: Failure to replicate findings of tDCS-induced enhancement of verbal fluency in an American sample. Non-invasive Electrical Brain Stimulation (tDCS, tACS, tRNS)
Basic and Applied Research conference, Brescia, Italy, September 2013

Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Jayatillake R, van Steenburgh JJ, Hernandez J, Kessler J, Chambers P, Varvaris M, Gordon B
Transcranial direct current stimulation improves verbal fluency in healthy older adults.
Poster presented at the American Neurological Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 2013

Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Jayatillake R, van Steenburgh JJ, Hernandez J, Kessler J, Chambers P, Varvaris M, Gordon B
Transcranial direct current stimulation improves verbal fluency in healthy older adults.
Presentation at the Behavioral Neurology Special Interest Group (SIG) Symposium at the annual American Neurological Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 2013

Sung K., Vannorsdall TD, Ledoux K., Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Persons with schizophrenia show aberrant clustering on category word fluency compared to healthy adults with equivalent productivity
Presented at the Annual Meeting for International Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii, February 2013

van Steenburgh JJ, Varvaris M, Smith K, Hernandez J, Chambers P, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Default Mode Network Connectivity with Left DLPFC Interferes with Verbal Fluency in Schizophrenia
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting for International Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii, February 2013


Sadleir RJ, Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B.
Target optimization in transcranial direct current stimulation.
Frontiers in Psychiatry 2012; 3:90.
Pubmed ID: 23087654

Schretlen DJ, Weaver JR, Buchholz AS, Gordon B
Cognitive Dysfunction as an Intermediate Phenotype of  Genetic Susceptibility to Schizophrenia
Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Nashville, TN. November 2012.

van Steenburgh, J.J., Varvaris, M., Vannorsdall, T.D., Gordon, B., Schretlen, D.J.
The use of transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance lexical retrieval and working memory in Schizophrenia: A proof of concept.
Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Sebastian, Spain. October 2012.

Schretlen, D.J., Varvaris M., Unschuld, P.G., van Steenburgh, J.J., Vannorsdall, T.D., Gordon, B.
Cerebral functional connectivity predicts effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on working memory in schizophrenia.
Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Sebastian, Spain. October 2012.

Varvaris, M., Gordon, B., Schretlen, D.J., Weaver, J.R.
Neuroanatomic correlates of verbal fluency in schizophrenia.
Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Sebastian, Spain. October 2012.

Schweickert, R., Fisher, D. L., Sung, K.
Discovering Cognitive Structure by Selectively Influencing Mental Processes: A Guide.  
Singapore: World Scientific., 2012

Sung K, McEntee ML, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
The effect of transcranial direct-current stimulation on visual search reaction time.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA. October 2012.

Sung, K., Gordon, B., Vannorsdall, T. D., Ledoux, K., Pickett, E. J., Pearlson, G. D., Schretlen, D. J.
Semantic clustering of category fluency in schizophrenia examined with singular value decomposition
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18(03), 565-575.
PubMed ID: 22390863

Gangopadhyay I, Ledoux K, Bosley L, Gordon B
Accessing receptive vocabulary knowledge in individuals with autism using implicit measures. 
Presented International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, CA., May 2012

van Steenburgh JJ, Bosley LV, Vannorsdall TD, Reese K, Andrejczuk M, Schretlen, DJ, Gordon B
Transcranial direct current stimulation of left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex speeds controlled word retrieval during verbal fluency.
Presented April 2012, Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neurosciences Society, Chicago, IL.

Gangopadhyay I, Ledoux K, Bosley L, Gordon B
The use of implicit measures to assess receptive vocabulary in normal adults and normally developing children.
Presented April 2012, Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neurosciences Society, Chicago, IL.

Brothers T, Ledoux K, Gordon B
Impaired selection of the context-appropriate meaning of ambiguous words in high-functioning individuals with autism:  an ERP study. 
Presented April 2012, Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neurosciences Society, Chicago, IL.

Weaver JR, Vannorsdall, TD, Smith KM, Schretlen CF, Forbes, CR, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Neuroanatomic correlates of clustering on verbal fluency tasks in healthy adults.
Presented February 2012, Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Montreal, CA.

Vannorsdall TD, Forbes, CR, Schretlen CF, Smith KM, Ho T, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Normative data for an expanded qualitative verbal fluency scoring system.
Presented February 2012, Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Montreal, CA.

Sung K, Vannorsdall TD, Ledoux K, Pickett EJ, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
A clustering analysis of semantic associations among letter-cued word fluency productions by healthy adults.
Presented February 2012, Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Montreal, CA.

McEntee ML, Vannorsdall, TD, Schreteln CF, Smith KM, Forbes CR, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Cognitive correlates of qualitative aspects of verbal fluency performance.
Presented February 2012, Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Montreal, CA.

Bosley LV, Vannorsdall TD, Reese K, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Spectrographically aided measures of inter-word intervals provide support for an expanded assessment of clustering on verbal fluency tasks.
Presented February 2012, Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Montreal, CA.

Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Andrejczuk M, Ledoux K, Gordon B
Altering automatic verbal processes with transcranial direct current stimulation.
Frontiers in Psychiatry special issue: The Frontiers of clinical research on transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in Neuropsychiatry 2012, 3:73, 1 – 6
PubMed ID: 22888321

McEntee M, Kuo S, Lacey E, Andrejczuk M, Bosley L, Cooper A, Gordon B
Advanced theory of mind assessment in adults with high functioning autism.   
Presented, at the 2012 International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, CA

Gangopadhyay I, LeDoux K, Bosley L, Gordon B
Assessing receptive vocabulary knowledge in individuals with autism using implicit measures.
Poster presented, at the 2012 International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, CA

Kuo S, McEntee M, Bosley L, Lacey E, Andrejczuk M, Cooper A, Gordon B
Spoken language abilities in adults with high-functioning autism. 
Presented, at the 2012 International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, CA

Brothers T, Ledoux K, Gordon B
Impaired selection of the context-appropriate meaning of ambiguous words in high-functioning individuals with autism: an ERP study.
Poster presented at the 2012 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, Chicago, IL

Lacey E, Rapp B, Vannordsall TD, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Investigating the use of left and right-lateralizing tDCS for rehabilitation of naming in aphasia. 
Presented at the 2012 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, Chicago, IL

Gangopadhyay I, Ledoux K, Bosley L, Gordon B
The use of implicit measures to assess receptive vocabulary knowledge in normal adults and normally developing children.
Presented at the 2012 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, Chicago, IL

McEntee M, Vannorsdall, TD, Schretlen, CF, Smith, KM, Forbes, CR, Gordon B, Schretlen, DJ
Cognitive correlates of qualitative aspects of verbal fluency performance. 
Presented at the2012 International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA.

Weaver, JR, Vannorsdall, TD, Smith, KM, Schretlen, CF, Forbes, CR, Gordon B, and Schretlen, DJ
Neuranatomic correlates of clustering on verbal fluency tasks in healthy adults. 
Presented at the 2012 International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA.

Andrejczuk, M, Vannorsdall, TD, Weaver, JR, Bosley, L. Reese, K, Gordon B, Schretlen, DJ
Amperage and electrode placement contribute to the detection of active transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS).
Presented at the 2012 International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA.

Sung K, Vannorsdall TD, Ledoux K, Pickett EJ, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
A clustering analysis of semantic associations among letter-cued word fluency productions by healthy adults. 
Presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA.

Vannorsdall TD, Maroof DA, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Ideational fluency as a domain of human cognition
Neuropsychology 2012; 26(3): 400–405
DOI: 10.1037/a0027989


Ewen, JB, Vining EP, Smith CA, Trescher, WH, Kossoff, EH, Gordon B, Boatman-Reich, D
Cognitive and EEG fluctuations in benign childhood epilepsy with central-temporal spikes:  A case series. 
Epilepsy Research. 2011, 97 (1-2).

Sung, K., McEntee M., Gordon B
Non-susceptibility to vertical-horizontal line illusion by a low-functioning individual with autism:  An ERP study.
Society for Neurosciences Conference, Washington, DC. November 2011.

Gangopadhyay, I, LeDoux K, Bosley, L, Gordon B
The use of implicit measures to assess receptive vocabulary knowledge in individuals with autism.  
Neurobiology of Language Conference, Annapolis, MD. November 2011.

Bosley LV, Vannorsdall TD, Andrejczuk M, Reese K, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Transcranial direct current stimulation speeds up automatic word retrieval.
Neurobiology of Language Conference, Annapolis, MD.  November 2011.

Loughlin E, Thorne J, O’Grady J, Gordon B
Untrained word combinations and grammatical forms in a newly verbal adult with autism.  
Neurobiology of Language Conference, Annapolis, MD.  November 2011.

Brothers T Ledoux K, Gordon B
Interactions between verb subcategorization and syntactic priming: Evidence from self-paced reading and event-related potentials.
Neurobiology of Language Conference, Annapolis, MD.  November  2011

Brothers T, Ledoux K, Gordon B
Syntactic priming in natural language comprehension:  Evidence from auditory event-related potentials.
Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. November 2011.

Brothers T, Ledoux K, Gordon B
Explaining the verb-repetition “boost”: Interactions between verb subcategories  and syntactic priming during reading.
Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. November 2011.

Lacey E, Gordon B, Hillis A
Using brain stimulation to study noun and verb processing in primary progressive aphasia. 
European Society for Cognitive Psychology Meeting, San Sabastian, Spain. September-October, 2011.

Sung K, Pickett EJ, Ledoux K, Vannorsdall TD, Elsayed M, Billings NM, Silva J, Schretlen D, Gordon B:
Differences in time interval distributions reveal controlled and automatic contributions to cued word retrieval.
American Neurological Association, San Diego, CA. September 2011.

Vannorsdall, TD, Gordon B: Ledoux, K, Sung, K, Pickett, EJ, Andrejczuk, M, Lassen-Greene, C, Weaver, JR, VanDroof, L, Schretlen, DJ
Altering automatic verbal processes with transcranial direct current stimulation.
J of the Int Neuropsychol Soc 2011; 17(S1): 163

Vannorsdall T D , Gordon TB, Sung K, Pickett EJ, Lassen-Greene C, Andrejczuk M, Weaver JR, Van Droof L, Schretlen DJ
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Modifies Processing Speed in Healthy Adults
J Int Neuropsycholog Soc, 2011; 17(S1): 163

Aretouli E, Vannorsdall TD, Ho T, Pearlson GD, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
The Neural Substrates of Personality: A Voxel-based Morphometry Study of the Big Five Personality Traits
J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2011; 17(S1): 56

Ledoux K, Gordon B
Disruption of spelling-to-sound correspondence mapping during single word reading in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Brain & Language, 118, 1-8


Sadleir RJ, Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in a realistic head model
Neuroimage 2010;51(4):1310-8
PubMed ID: 20350607

Schretlen DJ, van der Hulst EJ, Pearlson GD, Gordon B
A neuropsychological study of personality: Trait openness in relation to intelligence, fluency, and executive functioning
Journal of Clinical Experimental Neuropsychology 2010
PubMed ID: 20408002

Vannorsdall TD, Cascella NG, Rao V, Pearlson GD, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
A morphometric analysis of neuroanatomic abnormalities in traumatic brain injury
Journal of Neuropsychiatry Clinical Neuroscience 2010;22(2):173-81
PubMed ID: 20463111

Fieldstone SC, Vannorsdall TD, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Validation of the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale for clinical use with young and middle-aged adults
J Int Neuropsychol Soc 16(S1):41, 2010

Vannorsdall TD, Fieldstone SC, Ledoux K, Pickett E., Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Neuroanatomic correlates of automatic and controlled processes in verbal fluency
J Int Neuropsychol Soc 16(S1):84, 2010

Vannorsdall TD, Rao V, Cascella NG, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
A morphometric analysis of neuroanatomic correlates of cognitive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury
J Int Neuropsychol Soc 16(S1): 218, 2010

Gordon B
What are the characteristics and predictors of school-aged children who move from nonverbal to verbal?
Presented at the 2010 NIH Workshop on Nonverbal School-Aged Children with Autism, Bethesda, MD, 2010

Loughlin EP, Fisher Z, Thorne J, Pickett EJ, Gordon B
Spontaneous communication in an individual with autism
Presented at the 2010 International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA, May 20-22, 2010

Pickett EJ, Billings NM, Van Droof LV, Gordon B
Response variability in a low-functioning individual with autism: practical and theoretical implications
Presented at the 2010 International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA, May 20-22, 2010

Van Droof LV, Ledoux K, Pickett EJ, Buz E, Billings N, Gordon B
Advancing the measurement of receptive language in nonverbal individuals with autism
Presented at the 2010 International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA, May 20-22, 2010

Schretlen DJ, Vannorsdall TD, Sung K, Gordon B
Using verbal fluency to explore semantic networks and the potential of transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance lexical retrieval
Presented at the 2010 meeting of National Academy of Neuropsychology, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 15, 2010

Gordon B, Vannorsdall TD, Ledoux K, Pickett EJ, Andrejczuk M, Sung K, Schretlen DJ
Transcranial direct current stimulation modifies automatic and controlled verbal fluency
Presented at the 2010 Neurobiology of Language conference, San Diego, CA, November 12, 2010

Ledoux K, Pickett E, Van Droof LV, Buz E, Billings NM, Gordon B
Receptive vocabulary knowledge in individuals with autism as assessed by eye movements, pupillary dilation, and event-related potentials
Presented at the 2010 Neurobiology of Autism conference, San Diego, CA, November 12, 2010

Sung K, Ledoux K, Pickett EJ, Vannorsdall RD, Fieldstone SC, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Deficit in semantic clustering of category examples generated by people with bipolar disorder
Presented at the 2010 meeting of the Psychonomics Society, St. Louis, MO, 2010

Sung K, Ledoux K, Pickett EJ, Vannorsdall RD, Fieldstone SC, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Semantic deficits in category fluency in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Presented at 2010 meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, 2010


Testa SM, Winicki JM, Pearlson GD, Gordon B, Schretlen DJ
Accounting for estimated IQ in neuropsychological test performance with regression-based techniques
J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2009;15(6):1012-22
PubMed ID: 19796440

Wojtach WT, Sung K, Purves D
An empirical explanation of the speed-distance effect
PLoS One 2009;4(8):e6771
PubMed ID: 19707552; PubMed Central ID: PMC2727946

Schretlen DJ, Winicki JM, Meyer SM, Testa SM, Pearlson GD, Gordon B
Development, psychometric properties, and validity of the Hopkins Adult Reading Test (HART)
Clin Neuropsychol 2009;23(6):926-43
PubMed ID: 19191072

Pickett E, Pullara O, O’Grady J, Gordon B
Speech acquisition in older nonverbal individuals with autism: a review of features, methods, and prognosis
Cogn Behav Neurol 2009;22(1):1-21
PubMed ID: 19372766

Sung K, Wojtach WT, Purves D
An empirical explanation of aperture effects
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009;106(1):298-303
PubMed ID: 19114661; PubMed Central ID: PMC2612037

Sadleir RJ, Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): predicted current densities in a realistic head model
Ann Neurol 66(S1):42, 2009

Pickett EJ, Ledoux K, Vannorsdall TD, Sung K, Fieldstone SC, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Production time differences as evidence for automatic vs. controlled word selection processes
Ann of Neuro 66 (S1):42, 2009

Vannorsdall TD, Ledoux K, Pickett EJ, Fieldstone SC, Gordon B and Schretlen DJ
Different neuroanatomic correlates of phonemic and semantic fluency in healthy adults
Ann of Neuro 66 (S1):44, 2009

Sung K, Ledoux K, Pickett EJ, Vannorsdall TD, Fieldstone SC, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Verbal fluency and its semantic basis: a latent semantic analysis
Ann of Neuro 66 (S1):42, 2009

Ledoux K, Vannorsdall TD, Pickett E, Fieldstone SC, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Development, reliability, and construct validity of a new approach to analyzing qualitative aspects of speeded lexical retrieval
J Int Neuropsychol Soc 16(S1):  121, 2009

Sadleir RJ, Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): predicted current densities in a realistic head model
Presented at the American Academy of Neurology, Seattle, WA

Ledoux K, Boatman D, Gordon B
Disruption of grapheme-to-phoneme correspondence mapping during single word reading in patients with epilepsy: implications for models of reading
Presented at the 2009 meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Seattle, WA, April 30, 2009

Ledoux K, Pickett EJ, Van Droof LV, Buz E, Billings NM, Gordon B
Receptive vocabulary knowledge in individuals with autism as assessed by eye movements, pupillary dilation, and event-related potentials
Presented at the 2009 meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA, November 21, 2009

Sung K, Ledoux K, Pickett EJ, Fieldstone SC, Vannorsdall TD, Schretlen DJ, Gordon B
Semantic representations in healthy adults and persons with schizophrenia
Presented at the 2009 meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA, November 21, 2009

Weaver JR, Stark SM, Shahverdi KT, Jeter S, Zorzi J, Skolasky RL Jr, Andrejczuk MA, Stearns V, Gordon B
Study of neurobehavioral symptoms and impairments in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant aromatase inhibitor therapy
Presented at the CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 12, 2009


Gordon B, Ledoux K
Direct electrical stimulation of language cortex. In: The Handbook of the Neuroscience of Language
Stemmer B, Whitaker HA (eds), Oxford, Elsevier, 2008

Sung K
Serial and parallel attentive visual searches: evidence from cumulative distribution functions of response times
J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 2008;34(6):1372-88
PubMed ID: 19045981

Wojtach WT, Sung K, Truong S, Purves D
An empirical explanation of the flash-lag effect
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008;105(42):16338-43
PubMed ID: 18852459; PubMed Central ID: PMC2566991

Boatman DF, Trescher WH, Smith C, Ewen J, Los J, Wied HM, Gordon B, Kossoff EH, Gao Q, Vining EP
Cortical auditory dysfunction in benign rolandic epilepsy
Epilepsia 2008;49(6):1018-26
PubMed ID: 18266745

Schretlen DJ, Testa SM, Winicki JM, Pearlson GD, Gordon B
Frequency and bases of abnormal performance by healthy adults on neuropsychological testing
J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2008;14(3):436-45
PubMed ID: 18419842

Stark S, Gordon B, Stark C
A case study of amnesia: exploring a paradigm for new semantic learning and generalization
Brain Inj 2008;22(3):283-92
PubMed ID: 18297600

Stark SM, Gordon B, Stark CE
Does the presence of priming hinder subsequent recognition or recall performance
Memory 2008;16(2):157-73
PubMed ID: 18286420

Vannorsdall TD, Jinnah HA, Gordon B, Kraut M, Schretlen DJ
Cerebral ischemia mediates the effect of serum uric acid on cognitive function
Stroke 2008;39(12):3418-20
PubMed ID: 18772442

Ledoux K, Camblin C
The neural mechanisms of coreference
Language and Linguistics Compass 2008

Ledoux K, Gordon B, Roll M, Swaab TY
The influence of implicit causality on the establishment of coreference: an event-related potential study of reading
Presented at the meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Turku, Finland, October 19-21, 2008

Pickett E, O’Grady J, Boner MM, Gordon
Speech development in a non-verbal adolescent with autism
Presented at the meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Turku, Finland, October 19-21, 2008

Pickett E, Boner M, Gordon B
Communicative intent and vocalizations in older nonverbal children with autism
Presented at the meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL, November 21, 2008

Boner MM, Pickett E
Communicative intent and vocalizations in older nonverbal children with autism: methodology and results from a five-year longitudinal study
Presented at the meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL, November 21, 2008


Stark S, Gordon
Visual sequence learning in individuals with lower functioning autism
Focus Autism Other Devel Disabil 2007; 22(1):14-22

Schretlen DJ, Inscore AB, Vannorsdall TD, Kraut M, Pearlson GD, Gordon B, Jinnah HA
Serum uric acid and brain ischemia in normal elderly adults
Neurology 2007;69(14):1418-23
PubMed ID: 17909154

Manning KJ, Gordon B, Pearlson GD, Schretlen DJ
The relationship of recency discrimination to explicit memory and executive functioning
J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2007;13(4):710-5
PubMed ID: 17521487

Ledoux K, Gordon PC, Camblin CC, Swaab TY
Coreference and lexical repetition: mechanisms of discourse integration
Mem Cogn 2007;35(4):801-15
PubMed ID: 17848036; PubMed Central ID: PMC2121325

Camblin CC, Ledoux K, Boudewyn M, Gordon PC, Swaab TY
Processing new and repeated names: effects of coreference on repetition priming with speech and fast RSVP
Brain Res 2007;1146:172-84
PubMed ID: 16904078; PubMed Central ID: PMC1853328

Ledoux K, Traxler MJ, Swaab TY
Syntactic priming in comprehension: evidence from event-related potentials
Psychol Sci 2007;18(2):135-43
PubMed ID: 17425534; PubMed Central ID: PMC1852484

Schretlen DJ, Inscore AB, Jinnah HA, Rao V, Gordon B, Pearlson GD
Serum uric acid and cognitive function in community-dwelling older adults
Neuropsychology 2007;21(1):136-40
PubMed ID: 17201536

Wied HM, Morrison PF, Gordon B, Zimmerman AW, Vining EP
Cortical auditory dysfunction in childhood epilepsy: electrophysiological evidence
Curr Pediatr Rev 2007;3:317-27

Kirwan B, Stark S, Goodrich-Hunsaker N, Gordon B, Hopkins R, Stark C
Pattern separation processes in the human medial temporal lobe
Presented at Annual Meeting for the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY, May 7, 2007

Ledoux K, Gordon B, Roll M, Swaab TY
The influence of implicit causality on the establishment of coreference: an event-related potential study of reading
Presented at Annual Meeting for the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY, May 7, 2007

Ledoux K, Gordon B, Roll M, Swaab TY
An event-related potential study of implicit causality and the establishment of coreference
Poster presented at the Brain Mechanisms and Cognitive Processes in the Comprehension of Discourse Workshop, Leiden, the Netherlands, March 12-16, 2007


Neurobehavioral Guidelines Working Group, Warden DL, Gordon B, McAllister TW, Silver JM, Barth JT, Bruns J, Drake A, Gentry T, Jagoda A, Katz DI, Kraus J, Labbate LA, Ryan LM, Sparling MB, Walters B, Whyte J, Zapata A, Zitnay G
Guidelines for the pharmacologic treatment of neurobehavioral sequelae of traumatic brain injury
J Neurotrauma 2006;23(10):1468-501
PubMed ID: 17020483

Ledoux K, Gordon PC
Interruption-similarity effects during discourse processing
Memory 2006;14(7):789-803
PubMed ID: 16938692; PubMed Central ID: PMC1766328

Ledoux K, Camblin CC, Swaab TY, Gordon PC
Reading words in discourse: the modulation of lexical priming effects by message-level context
Behav Cogn Neurosci Rev 2006;5(3):107-27
PubMed ID: 16891554; PubMed Central ID: PMC1764821


Sinai A, Bowers CW, Crainiceanu CM, Boatman D, Gordon B, Lesser RP, Lenz FA, Crone NE
Electrocorticographic high gamma activity versus electrical cortical stimulation mapping of naming
Brain 2005;128(Pt 7):1556-70
PubMed ID: 15817517

Stark C, Stark S, Gordon B
New semantic learning and generalization in a patient with amnesia
Neuropsychology 2005;19(2):139-51
PubMed ID: 15769198

Boatman DF, Gordon B, Zimmerman AW
Evaluating central auditory function in autism: new approaches for clinical practice
J Dev Learn Disord 2005;9:27

O’Grady J, Thorne J, Juska J, Pullara O, Bejoian L, Gordon B
Achieving speech production in a nonverbal adolescent with autism
Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Boston, MA, May 5-7, 2005

Boner MM, Andersson E, Gordon B
Stability of vocal repertoire in two older non-verbal children with autism
Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Boston, MA, May 5-7, 2005


Boner MM, Gordon B
Spontaneous Vocalizations in Two Nonverbal Children with Autism
Presented at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Boston, MA, May 7-8, 2004

O’Grady J, Juska J, Pullara O, Bejoian L, Gordon B
Training oral speech in non-verbal autism: a case study
Presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Boston, MA, May 7-8, 2004

Stark SM, Gordon B
Intact implicit sequence learning in individuals with autism
Presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego , California, October, 23-27 2004

Sinai A, Bowers CW, Gordon B, Lesser RP, Lenz F, Ouyang W and Crone NE :
Cortical mapping of language with subdural electrodes: a direct comparison of electrocorticographic gamma activity with electrical cortical stimulation mapping
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, New Orleans, LA, December 3-7, 2004
Epilepsia 45(S7): 182, 2004



Stark SM, Stark CEL, Gordon B
New semantic learning and generalization in severe amnesia. 
Presented at the meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, 2003

Gordon B.
In Arbib MA (ed). The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, (2nd ed.) MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 2003: 745-750.


Boser K, Higgins S, Fetherston A, Preissler MA, Gordon B
Semantic fields in low-functioning autism
J Autism Dev Disord 2002;32(6):563-82
PubMed ID: 12553593

Motamedi GK, Lesser RP, Miglioretti DL, Mizuno-Matsumoto Y, Gordon B, Webber WR, Jackson DC, Sepkuty JP, Crone NE
Optimizing parameters for terminating cortical afterdischarges with pulse stimulation
Epilepsia 2002;43(8):836-46
PubMed ID: 12181002

Ankrom M, Selnes O, Gordon B
The Folstein Mini-Mental State Exam:  a sensitivity and specificity analysis.
J Am Geriatr Soc, 50(4), S131.

Boser K, Smrcka V, Stark S, Haarman H, Gordon B
Use of context in working memory in autism
Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Orlando, FL, October, 2002

Moskowitz L, Juska J, O’Grady J, Gordon B
Effect of looming motion on learning in children with autism
Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Orlando, FL, October, 2002

O’Grady J, Moskowitz L, Juska J, Gordon B
Familiarity-based responding in autism
Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Orlando, FL, October, 2002

Gordon B.
Autism and autistic spectrum disorders. In: Asbury AK, McKhann GM, McDonald WI, Goadsby PJ, McArthur JC (eds). Diseases of the Nervous System. Clinical Neuroscience and Therapeutic Principles (3rd ed.)
Cambridge University Press, New York, NY. 2002, 1:406-421


Crone NE, Hao L, Hart J Jr, Boatman D, Lesser RP, Irizarry R, Gordon B
Electrocorticographic gamma activity during word production in spoken and sign language
Neurology 2001;57(11):2045-53
PubMed ID: 11739824

Crone NE, Boatman D, Gordon B, Hao L
Induced electrocorticographic gamma activity during auditory perception Brazier Award-winning article, 2001
Clin Neurophysiol 2001;112(4):565-82
PubMed ID: 11275528

Doody RS, Geldmacher DS, Gordon B, Perdomo CA, Pratt RD, Donepezil Study Group
Open-label, multicenter, phase 3 extension study of the safety and efficacy of donepezil in patients with Alzheimer disease
Arch Neurol 2001;58(3):427-33
PubMed ID: 11255446
Gordon B, Boatman D, Hart J, Jr., Miglioretti D, Lesser RP.
Direct cortical electrical interference (stimulation). In: Berndt RS (ed). Handbook of Neuropsychology (2nd ed.)
Elsevier Science, B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2001, 3: 375-391.


Gordon B
Commentary: a neural systems perspective for improving behavioral treatments for autism
J Autism Dev Disord 2000;30(5):503-8
PubMed ID: 11098892

Hillis AE, Barker PB, Beauchamp NJ, Gordon B, Wityk RJ
MR perfusion imaging reveals regions of hypoperfusion associated with aphasia and neglect
Neurology 2000;55(6):782-8
PubMed ID: 10993996

Filipek PA, Accardo PJ, Ashwal S, Baranek GT, Cook EH Jr, Dawson G, Gordon B, Gravel JS, Johnson CP, Kallen RJ, Levy SE, Minshew NJ, Ozonoff S, Prizant BM, Rapin I, Rogers SJ, Stone WL, Teplin SW, Tuchman RF, Volkmar FR
Practice parameter: screening and diagnosis of autism: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Child Neurology Society
Neurology 2000;55(4):468-79
PubMed ID: 10953176

Boatman D, Alidoost M, Bergey G, Gordon B, Crone N, Hart J, Lenz F
Right Hemisphere Language Dominance in a Right-Handed Patient with Late-Onset Seizures
Epilepsy Behav 2000;1(4):281-286
PubMed ID: 12609445

Boatman D, Gordon B, Hart J, Selnes O, Miglioretti D, Lenz F
Transcortical sensory aphasia: revisited and revised
Brain 2000;123( Pt 8):1634-42
PubMed ID: 10908193

Schwartz BS, Stewart WF, Bolla KI, Simon D, Bandeen-Roche K, Gordon B, Links JM, Todd AC
Past adult lead exposure is associated with longitudinal decline in cognitive function
Neurology 2000;55:1144-50
PubMedID: 11071492

Hillis AE, Wang P, Barker P, Beauchamp N, Gordon B
Magnetic resonance perfusion imaging: a new method for localizing regions of brain dysfunction associated with specific lexical impairments
Aphasiology 2000;14(5-6):471-83

Hart J Jr, Kraut MA, Kremen S, Soher B, Gordon B
Neural substrates of orthographic lexical access as demonstrated by functional brain imaging
Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychol Behav Neurol 2000;13(1):1-7
PubMed ID: 10645730


Lesser RP, Kim SH, Beyderman L, Miglioretti DL, Webber WR, Bare M, Cysyk B, Krauss G, Gordon B
Brief bursts of pulse stimulation terminate afterdischarges caused by cortical stimulation
Neurology 1999;53(9):2073-81
PubMed ID: 10599784

Filipek PA, Accardo PJ, Baranek GT, Cook EH Jr, Dawson G, Gordon B, Gravel JS, Johnson CP, Kallen RJ, Levy SE, Minshew NJ, Ozonoff S, Prizant BM, Rapin I, Rogers SJ, Stone WL, Teplin S, Tuchman RF, Volkmar FR
The screening and diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders
J Autism Dev Disord 1999;29(6):439-84
PubMed ID: 10638459

Hillis AE, Boatman D, Hart J, Gordon B
Making sense out of jargon: a neurolinguistic and computational account of jargon aphasia
Neurology 1999;53(8):1813-24
PubMed ID: 10563633

Crone NE, Hart J, Hao L, Miglioretti DL, Lesser RP, Gordon B
Functional mapping of word production in human sign language using electrocorticographic spectral analysis
Presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, Canada, April 17-24, 1999


Crone NE, Miglioretti DL, Gordon B, Lesser RP
Functional mapping of human sensorimotor cortex with electrocorticographic spectral analysis II Event-related synchronization in the gamma band
Brain 1998;121(Pt 12):2301-15
PubMed ID: 9874481

Crone NE, Miglioretti DL, Gordon B, Sieracki JM, Wilson MT, Uematsu S, Lesser RP
Functional mapping of human sensorimotor cortex with electrocorticographic spectral analysis I Alpha and beta event-related desynchronization
Brain 1998;121(Pt 12):2271-99
PubMed ID: 9874480

Boatman D, Hart J Jr, Lesser RP, Honeycutt N, Anderson NB, Miglioretti D, Gordon B
Right hemisphere speech perception revealed by amobarbital injection and electrical interference
Neurology 1998;51(2):458-64
PubMed ID: 9710019

Hart J Jr, Crone NE, Lesser RP, Sieracki J, Miglioretti DL, Hall C, Sherman D, Gordon B
Temporal dynamics of verbal object comprehension
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1998;95(11):6498-503
PubMed ID: 9600995; PubMed Central ID: PMC27830

Mohs RC, Ashman TA, Jantzen K, Albert M, Brandt J, Gordon B, Rasmusson X, Grossman M, Jacobs D, Stern Y
A study of the efficacy of a comprehensive memory enhancement program in healthy elderly persons
Psychiatry Res 1998;77(3):183-95
PubMed ID: 9707301

Lesser RP, Arroyo S, Crone N, Gordon B
Motor and sensory mapping of the frontal and occipital lobes
Epilepsia 1998;39Suppl4:S69-80
PubMed ID: 9637595


Arroyo S, Lesser RP, Poon WT, Webber WR, Gordon B
Neuronal generators of visual evoked potentials in humans: visual processing in the human cortex
Epilepsia 1997;38(5):600-10
PubMed ID: 9184607

Kraut M, Hart J Jr, Soher BJ, Gordon B
Object shape processing in the visual system evaluated using functional MRI
Neurology 1997;48(5):1416-20
PubMed ID: 9153483

Boatman D, Hall C, Goldstein MH, Lesser R, Gordon B
Neuroperceptual differences in consonant and vowel discrimination: as revealed by direct cortical electrical interference
Cortex 1997;33(1):83-98
PubMed ID: 9088723

Whalen J, McCloskey M, Lesser RP, Gordon B
Localizing arithmetic processes in the brain: evidence from a transient deficit during cortical stimulation
J Cogn Neurosci 1997;9 409-417


Holcomb HH, Gordon B, Loats HL, Gastineau E, Zhao Z, Medoff D, Dannals RF, Woods R, Tamminga CA
Brain metabolism patterns are sensitive to attentional effort associated with a tone recognition task
Biol Psychiatry 1996;39:1013-22
PubMed ID: 8780836

Krauss GL, Fisher R, Plate C, Hart J, Uematsu S, Gordon B, Lesser RP
Cognitive effects of resecting basal temporal language areas
Epilepsia 1996;37(5):476-83
PubMed ID: 8617177

Selnes OA, Holcomb HH, Gordon B
Images in neuroscience Progressive dysarthria: structural and brain correlations
Am J Psychiatry 1996;153(3):309-10
PubMed ID: 8610816

Nii Y, Uematsu S, Lesser RP, Gordon B
Does the central sulcus divide motor and sensory functions? Cortical mapping of human hand areas as revealed by electrical stimulation through subdural grid electrodes
Neurology 1996;46(2):360-7
PubMed ID: 8614495

Boatman D, Miglioretti DL, Hart J, Lamberti N, Rothlisberger B, Gordon
Localization and variability in the cortical representation of auditory syllable discrimination and comprehension
Brain Lang 1996; 55: 150-2

Gordon B, Hart J Jr, Lesser RP, Arroyo S
Mapping cerebral sites for emotion and emotional expression with direct cortical electrical stimulation and seizure discharges
Prog Brain Res 1996;107:617-22
PubMed ID: 8782546

Rossell LA, Reusing S, Goodhart E, Miglioretti D, Gordon
The memory monitor:  objective behavioral monitoring for measuring everyday memory performance
Presented at the Second International Conference on Memory, Abano-Terme, Italy, July 14-19, 1996

Boatman D, Miglioretti D, Hart J, Lamberti N, Rothlisberger B, Gordon
Localization and variability in the cortical representation of auditory speech syllable discrimination and comprehension
Presented at the meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, London, UK, November 2-5, 1996

Gordon B
Reevaluating theories of semantic organization and category-specific impairments (discussant)
Presented at the meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, London, UK, November 2-5, 1996

Kraut M, Kremen S, Soher B, Bryan RN, Gordon B, Hart
Neural correlates of lexical access as shown by MRI
Presented at the meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, November 16-21, 1996

Rios M, Hart J, Lesser R, Gordon
Right hemisphere language mapping in patients with bilateral speech: a comparison of cortical stimulation and intracarotid amobarbital procedure
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, San Francisco, CA, December 7-10, 1996


Boatman D, Lesser RP, Gordon B
Auditory speech processing in the left temporal lobe: an electrical interference study
Brain Lang 1995 Nov;51(2):269-90
PubMed ID: 8564472

Holcomb HH, Ritzl EK, Medoff DR, Nevitt J, Gordon B, Tamminga CA
Tone discrimination performance in schizophrenic patients and normal volunteers: impact of stimulus presentation levels and frequency differences
Psychiatry Res 1995Jun29;57(1):75-82
PubMed ID: 7568562

Small SL, Hart J, Nguyen T, Gordon B
Distributed representations of semantic knowledge in the brain
Brain 1995;118(Pt 2):441-53
PubMed ID: 7735885

McCloskey M, Rapp B, Yantis S, Rubin G, Bacon W, Dagnelie G, Gordon B, Aliminosa D, Boatman D, Badecker W, Johnson D, Tusa R, Reighn class=”MsoCommentReference” 
A developmental deficit in localizing objects from vision
Psychol Sci 1995;6:112-7

Small S, Holland AL, Hart J, Forbes MM, Gordon
Response variability in naming: a computational study
Clin Aphasiol 1995;23:25-38

Tesoro MA, Hart J, Schwerdt P, Lesser RP, Carson K, Krauss G, Vining EPG, Monsein L, Boatman DF, Gordon
Language laterality as determined by a standardized intracarotid amobarbital procedure
Presented at the American Epilepsy Society, Baltimore, MD, Decmber 1-6, 1995
Epilepsia 36(S4),145,1995

Cortical stimulation, recording, and functional activation
Presented at the American Academy of Neurology, Seattle, WA, May 6-13, 1995
Neurology 45(S4):A120,1995

Boatman D, Crone N, Hart J Jr, Lesser RP, Gordon
Interrelatedness of syllable perception and production:  evidence form direct cortical electrical interference and recording
Presented at the meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, San Diego, CA, November 1995
Brain Lang 4: 466-468,1995



Arroyo S, Lesser RP, Fisher RS, Vining EP, Krauss GL, Bandeen-Roche K, Hart J, Gordon B, Uematsu S, Webber R
Clinical and electroencephalographic evidence for sites of origin of seizures with diffuse electrodecremental pattern
Epilepsia 1994;35(5):974-87
PubMed ID: 7925169

Liberman J, Stewart W, Seines O, Gordon B
Rater agreement for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test
J Clin Psychol 1994;50(4):615-24
PubMed ID: 7983212

Stewart WF, Gordon B, Selnes O, Bandeen-Roche K, Zeger S, Tusa RJ, Celentano DD, Shechter A, Liberman J, Hall C
Prospective study of central nervous system function in amateur boxers in the United States
Am J Epidemiol 1994;139(6):573-88
PubMed ID: 8172169

Lesser R, Gordon B, Uematsu S
Electrical stimulation and language
J Clin Neurophysiol 1994;11(2):191-204
PubMed ID: 8051304

Urasaki E, Uematsu S, Gordon B, Lesser RP
Cortical tongue area studied by chronically implanted subdural electrodes–with special reference to parietal motor and frontal sensory responses
Brain 1994;117(Pt 1):117-32
PubMed ID: 8149206

Boatman DF, Lesser RP, Hall CB, Gordon B
Auditory perception of segmental features: a functional neuroanatomic study
Journal of neurolinguistics 1994;8:225-34

Boatman DF, Lesser RP, Gordon B
Cortical representation of speech perception and production, as revealed by direct cortical electrical interference
Public Acoust Soc Japan 1994;15:763-6

Boatman D, Gordon B, Stone M, Anderson S
Studies of articulatory timing in normal and foreign accent syndrome speech
Brain Lang 1994;47:548-53

Whalen J, McCloskey M, Lesser RP, Gordon B
Transient arithmetic fact retrieval deficits during cortical stimulation
Presented at the meeting of Theoretical and Experimental Neuropsychology (TENNET) V conference, Montreal, QB, CN

Sherman DS, Crone N, Lesser RP, Gordon B
Electrocortigraphic coherence mapping reveals tongue activation areas of the human sensorimotor cortex
Presented at the meeting of the American Electroencephalographic Society, Chicago, IL, September, 1994

Gordon B, Krauss GL, Poon W-T, Uematsu S, Lesser RP
Extent of removal of epileptogenic foci predicts success of surgical treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy
Presented at the meeting of the American Neurological Association, San Francisco, CA, October 9-12, 1994

Hart J, Pettis M., Lesser RP, Holcomb H, Gordon B
Selective preservation of color processing in severe visual object agnosia
Presented at the meeting of the American Neurological Association, San Francisco, CA, October 9-12, 1994

Crone NE, Hart J, Boatman D, Lesser RP, Gordon B
Regional cortical activation during language and related tasks identified by direct cortical electrical recording
Presented at the meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Boston, MA, October 18-20, 1994
Brain Lang 47:466-468,1994

Gordon B, Hart J, Lesser RP, Selnes OA
Recovery and its implications for cognitive neuroscience
Presented at the meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Boston, MA, Boston, MA, October 18-20, 1994
Brain Lang 47:521-524,1994

Boatman D, Gordon B, Stone M, Anderson, S: 
Studies of articulatory timing in normal and foreign accent syndrome speech
Presented at the meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Boston, MA, Boston, MA, October 18-20, 1994
Brain Lang 47:549,1994

Hart J, Gordon B
Category-specific anomia: Implications for the neural bases of object knowledge
Presented at the meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Miami, FL, November 13-18, 1994
Soc Neurosci Abstr 20:1664,1994

Crone NE, Hart J, Lesser RP, Gordon B
The time course of regional cerebral activation during cognitive tasks: Results of direct cortical electrical recording in humans
Presented at the meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Miami, FL, November 13-18, 1994
Soc Neurosci Abstr 20:1001,1994

Krauss GL, Plate C, Lesser RP, Hart J, Uematsu S, Gordon B
Effects of resecting basal temporal language areas identified by cortical stimulation
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, New Orleans, LA, December 2-8, 2004
Epilepsia 35(S8):30,1994

Boatman D, Freeman J, Vining E, Gordon B
Recovery of speech functions following hemispherectomy:  prospective, longitudinal studies
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, New Orleans, LA, December 2-8, 2004
Epilepsia 35(S8):35,1994

Crone NE, Hart J, Lesser RP, Boatman D, Gordon B
Spectral changes associated with regional cerebral processing:  results of direct cortical recording in humans
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, New Orleans, LA, December 2-8, 2004
Epilepsia 35(S8):103,1994



Arroyo S, Lesser RP, Gordon B, Uematsu S, Jackson D, Webber R
Functional significance of the mu rhythm of human cortex: an electrophysiologic study with subdural electrodes
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1993;87(3):76-87
PubMed ID: 7691544

Arroyo S, Lesser RP, Gordon B, Uematsu S, Hart J, Schwerdt P, Andreasson K, Fisher RS
Mirth, laughter and gelastic seizures
Brain 1993;116(Pt 4):757-80
PubMed ID: 8353707

Hart J Jr, Lewis PJ, Lesser RP, Fisher RS, Monsein LH, Schwerdt P, Bandeen-Roche K, Gordon B
Anatomic correlates of memory from intracarotid amobarbital injections with technetium Tc 99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime SPECT
Arch Neurol 1993;50(7):745-50
PubMed ID: 8323479

Nathan SS, Sinha SR, Gordon B, Lesser RP, Thakor NV
Determination of current density distributions generated by electrical stimulation of the human cerebral cortex
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1993;86(3):183-92
PubMed ID: 7680994

Nathan SS, Lesser RP, Gordon B, Thakor NV
Electrical stimulation of the human cerebral cortex Theoretical approach
Adv Neurol 1993;63:61-85
PubMed ID: 8279318

Lesser RP, Hart J, Gordon B
Evidence for orientation-specific channels in human visual information processing
Presented at the American Academy of Neurology, New York, NY, April 27-29, 1993
Neurology 43(S2):A353,1993

Gordon B, Lesser RP, Hart J
Etiology of anomia from a temporal lobe lesion
Presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, New York, NY, April 27-29, 1993
Neurology 43(S2):A403,1993

Hart J, Lesser RP, Gordon B
Studies of knowledge representation and neuroanatomic associations
Presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, New York, NY, April 27-29, 1993 
Neurology 43(S2):A405,1993

Small SL, Hart J, Gordon B, Holland AL
Performance variability in a diffusely lesioned model of semantic representation for object naming
Presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, New York, NY, April 27-29, 1993
Neurology 43(S2):A405,1993

Small SL, Holland AL, Hart J, Forbes MM, Gordon B
Response variability in naming:  a computational study
Presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Sedona, AR, June 6, 1993

Crone NE, Lesser RP, Nathan SS, Sieracki JM, Gordon B
Patterns of change in electrocortical spectra during human language processing
Presented at the meeting of the American Electroencephalographic Society, New Orleans, LA, October 11, 1993

Boatman D, Lesser RP, Schwerdt P, Hopp J, Uematsu S, Gordon B
The cortical representation of syllable timing as revealed by direct cortical electrical stimulation
Presented at the meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Tucson, AR, October 26, 1993

Gastineau EA, Tamminga CA, Holcomb HH, Loats HL, Gordon B
A cortical volume pattern analysis of “on-off” haloperidol FDG PET data
Presented at the meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, November 7-12, 1993 
Soc Neurosci Abstr 19(2):1993

Crone NE, Lesser RP, Krauss GL, Nathan SS, Sieracki JM, Gordon B
Topographic mapping of human sensorimotor cortex with electrocortical spectra
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Miami, FL, December 8, 1993
Epilepsia 34(S6):122,1993

Uematsu S, Lesser RP, Gordon B, Krauss G, Vining EPG
Total resection of perioccipital epileptogenic area with preservation of visual function:  the advantage of preoperative subdural grid mapping
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Miami, FL, December 8, 1993
Epilepsia 34(S6):33,1993



Selnes OA, McArthur JC, Royal W 3rd, Updike ML, Nance-Sproson T, Concha M, Gordon B, Solomon L, Vlahov D
HIV-1 infection and intravenous drug use: longitudinal neuropsychological evaluation of asymptomatic subjects
Neurology 1992;42(10):1924-30
PubMed ID: 1407574

Grober E, Ausubel R, Sliwinski M, Gordon B
Skill learning and repetition priming in Alzheimer’s disease
Neuropsychologia 1992;30(10):849-58
PubMed ID: 1436432

Hart J Jr, Gordon B
Neural subsystems for object knowledge
Nature 1992;359(6390):60-4
PubMed ID: 1381810

Fisher RS, Uematsu S, Krauss GL, Cysyk BJ, McPherson R, Lesser RP, Gordon B, Schwerdt P, Rise M
Placebo-controlled pilot study of centromedian thalamic stimulation in treatment of intractable seizures
Epilepsia 1992;33(5):841-51
PubMed ID: 1396427

Uematsu S, Lesser R, Fisher RS, Gordon B, Hara K, Krauss GL, Vining EP, Webber RW
Motor and sensory cortex in humans: topography studied with chronic subdural stimulation
Neurosurgery 1992;31(1):59-71;discussion 71-2
PubMed ID: 1641111

Uematsu S, Lesser RP, Gordon B
Localization of sensorimotor cortex: the influence of Sherrington and Cushing on the modern concept
Neurosurgery 1992;30(6):904-12;discussion 912-3
PubMed ID: 1614594

Hart J, Jr., Lesser RP, Gordon
Selective interference with the representation of size in the human by direct cortical electrical stimulation
J Cogn Neurosci 1992;4:337-4

Arroyo S, Krauss GL, Lesser RP, Gordon B, Hart J Jr, Carson BS, Uematsu S
Simple partial seizures: clinicofunctional correlation–a case report
Neurology 1992;42(3 Pt 1):642-6
PubMed ID: 1549230

Arroyo S, Lesser RP, Gordon B, Jackson D
Mu rhythm in the human cortex:  an electrophysiologic study with subdural electrodes
Presented at the American Academy of Neurology, San Deigo, CA, May 3-9, 1992
Neurology 42(S3):265,1992

Hayes R, Gordon B, Selnes O, Hasenauer D
Lack of sensitivity of the MiniMental State Exam for detecting cognitive impairments
Presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, CA, May 3-9, 1992
Neurology 42(S3):220,1992

Selnes O, Gordon B, Hart J, Charnas L, Holcomb HH
Primary progressive dysarthria: behavioral and 5-year FDG-PET follow-up
Presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, CA, May 3-9, 1992
Neurology 42(S3):348,1992

Schwerdt P, Boatman D, Lesser RP, Hart J, Gordon B
The intra- and inter-hemispheric organization of language in a bilingual as tested with the intracarotid amobarbital procedure (IAP)
Presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, CA, May 3-9, 1992
Neurology 42(S3):449,1992

Small S, Hart J, Gordon B
Automated boxology: A modular connectionist approach to modeling with application to picture naming
Presented at the meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Toronto, ON, October 25-27, 1992

Holcomb HH, Gordon B, Loats HL, Gastineau E, Medoff D, Tamminga CA
Increased attentional effort during a pitch discrimination task elevates regional brain glucose utilization
Presented at the meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, CA, October 25-30, 1992
Soc Neurosci Abstr 18(2): 934, 1992

Medina AM, Hart J, Lesser RP, Krauss G, Uematsu S, Gordon B
Retrograde amnesia following left temporal lobectomy
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA, December 7-9, 1992
Epilepsia 33(S3):139,1992

Boatman D, Crone NE, Lesser RP, Nathan, S., Hart J, Schwerdt P Sieracki JM, Poon P, Webber R., Uematsu S, Gordon B
The localization of speech perception processes using direct cortical electrical interference and electrocorticography
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA, December 7-9, 1992
Epilepsia 33(S3):119-20,1992

Crone NE, Vining EPG, Lesser RP, Uematsu S, Hart J, Gordon B
Bilateral (mixed) language dominance: Effects of corpus callosotomy
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA, December 7-9, 1992
Epilepsia 33(S3):27,1992

Uematsu S, Lesser RP, Gordon B, Krauss G, Cole A, Fisher R, Vining EP, Gluck D
Proportion of epileptogenic area removed–not resection size–correlates with the outcome of seizure surgery
Presented at the meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA, December 7-9, 1992
Epilepsia 33(S3):93,1992



Selnes OA, Pestronk A, Hart J, Gordon B
Limb apraxia without aphasia from a left sided lesion in a right handed patient
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1991;54(8):734-7
PubMed ID: 1719136; PubMed Central ID: PMC1014482

Jeffery PJ, Monsein LH, Szabo Z, Hart J, Fisher RS, Lesser RP, Debrun GM, Gordon B, Wagner HN Jr, Camargo EE
Mapping the distribution of amobarbital sodium in the intracarotid Wada test by use of Tc-99m HMPAO with SPECT
Radiology 1991;178(3):847-50
PubMed ID: 1994430

Hart J Jr, Lesser RP, Fisher RS, Schwerdt P, Bryan RN, Gordon B
Dominant-side intracarotid amobarbital spares comprehension of word meaning
Arch Neurol 1991;48(1):55-8
PubMed ID: 1986727


Gordon B, Carson K
The basis for choice reaction time slowing in Alzheimer’s disease
Brain Cogn 1990;13(2):148-66
PubMed ID: 2390231

Gordon B, Selnes OA, Hart J Jr, Hanley DF, Whitley RJ
Long-term cognitive sequelae of acyclovir-treated herpes simplex encephalitis
Arch Neurol 1990;47(6):646-7
PubMed ID: 2346392

Burnstine TH, Lesser RP, Hart J Jr, Uematsu S, Zinreich SJ, Krauss GL, Fisher RS, Vining EP, Gordon B
Characterization of the basal temporal language area in patients with left temporal lobe epilepsy
Neurology 1990;40(6):966-70
PubMed ID: 2345619

Gordon B, Lesser RP, Rance NE, Hart J Jr, Webber R, Uematsu S, Fisher RS
Parameters for direct cortical electrical stimulation in the human: histopathologic confirmation
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1990;75(5):371-7
PubMed ID: 1692272

Fisher RS, Cysyk BJ, Lesser RP, Pontecorvo MJ, Ferkany JT, Schwerdt PR, Hart J, Gordon B
Dextromethorphan for treatment of complex partial seizures
Neurology 1990;40(3 Pt 1):547-9
PubMed ID: 2314601

Hart J Jr, Gordon B
Delineation of single-word semantic comprehension deficits in aphasia, with anatomical correlation
Ann Neurol 1990;27(3):226-31
PubMed ID: 2327733

Selnes OA, Miller E, McArthur J, Gordon B, Muoz A, Sheridan K, Fox R, Saah AJ
HIV-1 infection: no evidence of cognitive decline during the asymptomatic stages The Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study
Neurology 1990;40(2):204-8
PubMed ID: 2405290

Uematsu S, Lesser R, Fisher R, Krauss G, Hart J, Vining EP, Freeman J, Gordon B
Resection of the epileptogenic area in critical cortex with the aid of a subdural electrode grid
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 1990;54-55:34-45
PubMed ID: 2080351


Humayun MS, Presty SK, Lafrance ND, Holcomb HH, Loats H, Long DM, Wagner HN, Gordon B
Local cerebral glucose abnormalities in mild closed head injured patients with cognitive impairments
Nucl Med Commun 1989;10(5):335-44
PubMed ID: 2787008

Brandt J, Mellits ED, Rovner B, Gordon B, Selnes OA
Relation of age at onset and duration of illness to cognitive functioning in Alzheimer’s disease
Neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, and behavioral neurology 1989;(2):93-101


Selnes OA, Carson K, Rovner B, Gordon B
Language dysfunction in early- and late-onset possible Alzheimer’s disease
Neurology 1988;38(7):1053-6
PubMed ID: 3386822

Alexander EL, Beall SS, Gordon B, Selnes OA, Yannakakis GD, Patronas N, Provost TT, McFarland HF
Magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral lesions in patients with the Sjogren syndrome
Ann Intern Med 1988;108(6):815-23
PubMed ID: 3369771

Gordon B
Preserved learning of novel information in amnesia: evidence for multiple memory systems
Brain Cogn 1988Jun;7(3):257-82
PubMed ID: 3401382


Gordon B, Caramazza A
Lexical access and frequency sensitivity: frequency saturation and open/closed class equivalence
Cognition 1985Nov;21(2):95-115
PubMed ID: 4092418

Malinow KL, Molina R, Gordon B, Selnes OA, Provost TT, Alexander EL
Neuropsychiatric dysfunction in primary Sjogren’s syndrome
Ann Intern Med 1985;103(3):344-50
PubMed ID: 2992332


Gordon B, Caramazza A
Closed- and open-class lexical access in agrammatic and fluent aphasics
Brain Lang 1983;19(2):335-45
PubMed ID: 6883076

Gordon B
Lexical access and lexical decision: mechanisms of frequency sensitivity
J Verb Learn Verb Behav 1983;22(1):24-44


Gordon B, Caramazza A
Lexical decision for open- and closed-class words: failure to replicate differential frequency sensitivity
Brain Lang 1982;15(1):143-60
PubMed ID: 6184120


DePaulo JR, Folstein MF, Gordon B
Psychiatric screening on a neurological ward
Psychol Med 1980;10(1):125-32
PubMed ID: 7384313


Gordon B, Marin OS
Transient global amnesia: an extensive case report
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1979;42(6):572-5
PubMed ID: 469566; PubMed Central ID: PMC490264